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Our doors are open!
To welcome you back, we’re giving all new enrolments a rebate of RM88!
We understand your child has been fidgety at home and missing face-to-face lessons and interaction. We promise to keep our class size small and maintain strict SOPs.
So contact the nearest centre to see if they are open to enjoy the rebates or Call 012-3025007 or WhatsApp us at https://wa.me/60123025007 for more information. We look forward to welcoming you to VITAL YEARS!
“The 1st VITAL YEARS was established in 1996 to promote early English literacy for children ages 2-10. The VY Programme has been tested and proven successful with MORE than 100,000 children in Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Brunei, Indonesia and China.
VITAL YEARS will IMMERSE your child in the world of English and make it EASY for them to master the language, not just for academics but for life!”
#readingopensdoors #startyoung #vitalyears
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